CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Together, for our girls.
At Educate Girls, we believe in the transformative power of education. Through trusted corporate partnerships, it can lead to a wave of change that extends far beyond the classrooms.
We work towards identifying more and more girls, who are out of school and bringing them back to the world of education.
Educate Girls can amplify your impact as your CSR partner
As a Corporate Social Responsibility partner, Educate Girls helps you create social impact in the remotest parts of the country.
Education, a foundation for women empowerment.
When you partner with Educate Girls, you are:
- Helping girls go back to school
- Helping girls stay in school
- Creating a more independent and self-reliant generation of women
Over the years, Educate Girls has partnered with several corporate foundations, brands and philanthropies. Through these partnerships, we have been able to create a sustainable impact for millions of girls by helping them return to school, stay in school and thrive in their learning journey.
To partner with Educate Girls, please write to corporatepartnerships@educategirls.ngo
Contact us for CSR partnerships
Educating a Girl can have
Multifold Impact!

14% reduction in child marriage
2.2 times less likely to be HIV+
Contribute to global economic growth
Reduce class & income inequalities
Be more
50% more likely to immunize her children
2x more likely to educate her children
climate change
Here is a glimpse of what we do
The Educate Girls program model provides a hyper-local and data-driven approach to a systemic problem. It delivers measurable results to a large number of beneficiaries at an extremely low cost while ensuring there is no duplication or parallel delivery of services. Educate Girls works in partnership with the government and local communities across villages of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, so that girls in rural, remote India can go back to school.
Through this scalable, replicable and sustainable program model, Educate Girls, since 2007 has mobilised 1.8 million+ girls for school enrolment.

Here are the areas where Educate Girls functions today
Girl Child Education
Educate Girls identifies out-of-school girls and mobilises them for school enrolment. These are the girls who live in the most marginalised and remotest parts of India, and don’t have access to education. In addition to that, they also help ensure that the girls continue at school. Learn more about how Educate Girls mobilises communities to send their girls back to school.
Pragati – A second chance program
Educate Girls offers a second chance program for adolescent girls and young women to complete their 10th and 12th Grades and pursue further education and employment opportunities. Pragati is designed to build life skills, agency, and educational credentials via open schools (Grades 10 and 12).
Our Partners

Impact Since Inception
Girls Mobilised
for Enrolment
Students Supported with
Remedial Learning
Team Balika
“Educate Girls has the unique combination of working through the school system in partnership with the community that enables scale and shows the direct impact of keeping girls in school.”

“Educate Girls is a fantastic EACI partner. It is already exceeding its targets in providing and supporting quality primary education for girls and addressing the critical issue of retention. We look forward to seeing Educate Girls grow and thrive in the coming years.”

“Educate Girls is the most cost effective education intervention working at significant scale we have found – and we are happy to partner with them.”

“We believe markets cannot solve all problems. Lack of girls’ education in rural India is one such problem where an effective non-profit intervention is needed – one which is highly focused, scalable and at par in execution excellence with any successful for-profit company. Educate Girls fits these criteria extremely well and that’s why LGT VP is delighted to have been a partner since 2011.”

“I strongly believe that girls’ education is an essential element in the social and economic progress of a society, in addition to being a fundamental human right of each and every girl. The way in which Safeena Husain and Educate Girls have been ensuring that girls go to school and acquire knowledge and skills that allow them to develop as autonomous, active and productive members of society is exemplary. Particularly because they have rooted the programme firmly in the communities, involving the students, teachers, schools, parents and authorities, as well as a large network of community-based volunteers. We at the Womanity Foundation are proud to support the growth of Safeena and her organisation through our WomenChangeMakers Fellowship programme, and thus to be part of a lasting, system-changing model for girls’ development and empowerment.”

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educating girls?
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Educate Girls is a project of Foundation To Educate Girls Globally (FEGG) | FEGG is registered in India under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013.
© 2018 All rights reserved. Educate Girls.