91 million young women (15-29 yrs) are Not in Education, Employment & Training (called NEET). This is due to early marriage, motherhood, migration, access to secondary school, academic setbacks, and poverty. As a result, they have no agency (no control over their physical and sexual health decisions, household-level decisions and community-level decisions) leading to their exclusion from formal economy.
We want to change that.
Through Pragati, we aim to create pathways towards completing 10th Grade and opportunities like further education, employment, and training so that adolescent girls and young women have choices and can reach their full potential.
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Manvi from Rajasthan had studied till 9th Grade before she dropped out. She had to drop out of school when her father lost his job during the Covid-19 pandemic. Manvi considers the second chance at the Pragati camp a turning point in her life. She wants to pass the 10th grade and join the army afterwards!

Tarannum's education was interrupted for four years due to her family's financial struggles caused by her elder sister's wedding expenses. However, she recently joined the Pragati camp with the goal of completing the 10th grade. She aspires to pass the 10th grade to become independent and alleviate her family’s financial burden.

Pooja discontinued her education after 9th grade due to mounting financial pressures within her family. However, upon discovering the Pragati camp in her locality, she took the initiative to enroll herself. She now aspires to empower women in her community and become a role model for women who are deprived of life chances.

Karjuna dropped out of school after failing two subjects in her 9th Grade. Although she wanted to be in school, her academic setbacks curbed her willingness. When Pragati camp started in her village, she found hope again. Now the owner of a small shop in the village, Karjuna wants to complete her education and expand her business.
Pragati Prerak
We are building a "mentor/coach network" and a technology platform that can be deployed at a population level scale to enable permanently at-risk adolescent girls and young women to achieve 10th grade certification.
The mentor, pragati prerak is a compassionate adult who works with the learners to help develop their self-study skills, peer learning skills, confidence, and agency, during the 4 month learning camps.

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