Usha is shaping her family’s future through resilience and courage

Usha*, a student in Grade 8, lives with her parents and two younger siblings in a remote village in Sirohi district, Rajasthan. Her father is an alcoholic and so Usha’s home environment has always been steeped in anxiety because of his actions.
Usha, a brave and resilient girl, took on many responsibilities at home, caring for her siblings while excelling at school. However, the tense atmosphere at home was affecting her. One day, her father told Usha and her sister that he would be getting them married soon. This decision shattered Usha’s spirit.
During this difficult time, Educate Girls was conducting Life Skills Education (LSE) games at Usha’s school. It is designed to nurture self-reliance, confidence and problem-solving skills in girls. Initially, Usha found it hard to engage as her mind was preoccupied with the turmoil at home. As the sessions progressed, she began to become more active. When her classmates elected her President of the newly-formed Bal Sabha or student parliament, Usha felt a sense of purpose.
Empowered by her new role, Usha gathered the courage to speak to her teacher about the situation at home. Her teacher reached out to leaders in the village, who intervened to dissuade her father from marrying off his daughters and urged him to focus on their education. The initial impact was minimal, but Usha was determined. She refused to give up.
With the skills she gained from LSE, Usha devised a strategy. She, her mother, and her siblings began a silent protest against her father’s alcoholism. When he came home drunk, they would distance themselves—no one spoke to him, no one served him food. This quiet resistance slowly began to affect him. Over time, her father realised that his drinking was driving a wedge between him and his family.
Gradually, Usha’s father reduced his drinking, the violence stopped and the oppressive atmosphere in the household began to change. What had once been a home filled with fear and sadness was now transformed into a place of peace and happiness. Usha and her siblings could finally focus on their education. Her mother’s health and well-being also improved dramatically.
Despite difficulties, Usha used her newfound confidence and wisdom to bring about change in her life. She didn’t just save her family —she showed them that true leadership isn’t about titles or positions; it’s about action, courage, and the will to create a better future.
*name changed to protect the identity of the minor
Educate Girls
Posted on November 6, 2024
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