Shreya marches to school with determination

Shreya*, an 11-year-old girl from a village in the Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh, faced many challenges on her path to education. Due to financial constraints, Shreya’s parents sent her to live with her aunt in Indore in 2019, where she attended school. Initially, it was intended for a year, but due to the pandemic, Shreya stayed with her until 2022, reaching the third grade. In 2022, her parents, emotional after a 3-year separation, brought her back to their village. However, their financial struggles forced Shreya to migrate to Gujarat with her parents, a few months later for better opportunities.
With three younger siblings to care for, Shreya reluctantly joined the migration, resulting in her dropping out of school in the 3rd grade. She assumed responsibilities at home while her parents worked in a factory.
In 2023, Shreya’s family returned to their village for the Holi festival, and this was also the time when Educate Girls was conducting a door-to-door survey to identify out-of-school girls. Educate Girls’ Field Coordinator, Premlata learned of Shreya’s situation and tirelessly advocated for her return to education. However, her parents did not agree.
Premlata kept visiting her house, sometimes bringing Educate Girls’ district team members along and sometimes bringing in local village influencers to speak to her parents. She spent a month persuading Shreya’s family, emphasising the importance of education, and highlighting Shreya’s prior schooling in Indore. Finally, they agreed and Shreya was enrolled in school!
However, after just two months, Shreya dropped out again because students teased her in the class. Undeterred, Premlata continued her efforts and eventually convinced Shreya to return to school. This time, she attended another government residential school. The teacher at this school observed that Shreya’s academic abilities had significantly declined due to the disruptions caused by the pandemic and her subsequent withdrawal from school. The teacher assured that if Shreya excelled, she would be promoted to the fourth grade next year.
Shreya embraced this opportunity with determination, focusing on her studies. Her goal is to excel in the year-end exams and secure a promotion to the 4th grade.
Despite the challenges she faced, Shreya is on a promising educational journey, demonstrating the resilience and dedication of a young girl determined to learn.
*Name changed to protect the identity of the minor.
Educate Girls
Posted on December 16, 2024
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