M For Marriage - Educate Girls

M For Marriage

December 27, 2012 Educate Girls
M For Marriage

M for Marriage Child Bride Poster.jpg

“Child marriage is a fundamental human rights violation and impacts all aspects of a girl’s life. It denies a girl of her childhood, disrupts her education, limits her opportunities, increases her risk to be a victim of violence and abuse and jeopardizes her health” – United Nations.

In India, the legal age for marriage is 18. The ‘M’ for marriage poster is our attempt to highlight the fact that despite this, a shocking 46% of girls in the country become victims of child marriage.

Pulled out of school and married off for dowry, to pass off the ‘burden’ or just because of village customs, child marriages start from the age of 12-13. It is common knowledge that in these marriages there is a high chance that the girl is subjected to abuse or worse.

Educate Girls, with your help, is trying to change that.

By keeping girls in school, we convince the parents to push back the date of marriage. More than that, the girls get empowered. She can make better life decisions, choose her own career and even take care of her family better. When a girl is educated, she consciously and unconsciously educates those around her. Empower young girls and start a ripple effect.

Join our ‘Send Child Brides to School’ campaign and support us to send every girl child to school!

Twitter: #educategirls #stopchildbrides #genderequality

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Educate Girls

Posted on December 27, 2012

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