The Only Man Who Can Read Brings Girls Back To School

At the young age of 26, Kartar Yogi, a Bachelor of Arts graduate from Bundi, Rajasthan, is a blessing for his community.
The only person in his village who can read, Kartar often fills forms and does the required paperwork for his community members. Even though the economic condition of his village is poor, he motivated people to donate small amounts of just Rs. 10 or Rs. 20 to get a transformer installed to access electricity. He also wants to learn how to use eMitra (Government e-platform) so he can pay bills online for the villagers, for which they otherwise have to travel far-off.
Kartar has been a Team Balika (Educate Girls’ community volunteer) since two years and contributed to enrolling many girls to school. Unfortunately, as many as 19 girls have dropped out of school in the past year as their hamlets are located far away and they have to walk through a dangerous route to get to school. A Gram Shiksha Sabha (village meeting focused on development of education) was set-up to address this issue and come up with possible solutions. Kartar, along with the Educate Girls’ Field Coordinator, is working hard towards changing the situation.
You can help thousands of volunteers like Kartar to get girls in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh back to school by donating to our cause here:
Educate Girls
Posted on May 22, 2017
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