Running The Great Mumbai Marathon 2013 For Educate Girls
On 20th January, 2013, 15 people ran for a special cause – they ran to show their support and shape the future. They ran for Educate Girls. This was the first year that Educate Girls took part in the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon, and we are proud to say that our runners made it a huge success.
Chandni Jafri, Tushar Gogia, Nusrat Jafri, Roshani Sanghani, Aditi Patel, Rashid Mohammed, Kunal Bhide, Nooreen Dossa, Shrikant Ayyangar, Neeti Bandodker, Sudarshan Sarma, Hemant Parar, Hansal Mehta, Nupur Shah and Daanish Antulay we are humbled and grateful for your support, faith and passion for education.
Our runners did a brilliant job, training for the run, donating themselves and encouraging their friends and family to donate as well. Our online donations amounted to an extremely generous amount – one which will be used to provide quality education to girls in the villages of Rajasthan.
Among these Tushar Gogia and Chandni Jafri deserve a special mention for their online donations. The highest online fund-raiser Tushar, who also ran the full marathon, had this to say “It is a proud moment for me, as not only was I able to run the entire 42 kms but also managed to surpass my fundraising goal. These funds will be used by Educate Girls to ensure that rural girls in Rajasthan get access to an education in a healthy and wholesome learning environment. It is crucial to educate adolescent girls as they are the future of our society.”
Chandni Jafri, a strong supporter of Educate Girls and the second highest online fundraiser, puts it beautifully, “I love running. When I run, I feel I am on a runway just short of a takeoff – it sets me free. I have strongly believed that educating girls provides just that kind of runway, where takeoff to a great future is a clear promise. And Educate Girls is doing just that kind of stellar work of putting girls’ education on the forefront thus ensuring that our country can fully achieve the potential it’s truly capable of. Imagine when an exciting opportunity like running to support girl’s education came by courtesy the Standard Chartered Marathon and Educate Girls – to be honest, that day I didn’t actually run for any cause, I ran for myself. And yes, will do it as many times as I get a chance.”
Twitter: #educategirls #mumbaimarathon #impact
Educate Girls
Posted on June 5, 2013
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