Team Balika volunteer Afsana never let her physical disabilities stop her from leading an empowered life

A resident of a remote village in Fatehpur district, Uttar Pradesh, Afsana was just a one year old baby when she lost all sensation in her left hand and right leg. The village doctors told her parents that she was paralysed. Afsana’s parents found it difficult to get her the required medical treatment she needed. They had to care for their other children – five daughters and five sons – as well. Her father was the sole breadwinner of the family, and their financial condition was very poor. She was taken to another doctor, but her health did not improve. However, her father never saw her disability as a handicap and made sure that all his children, including Afsana, were given an education. This was quite remarkable of him. Other residents of the village hardly value education, and girls are commonly married off as soon as possible.
Three years back, Golu, a Field Coordinator from Educate Girls, visited Afsanas’s house while conducting a door-to-door survey. He told her about the work being done by the organisation, and she was captivated. She immediately joined Educate Girls as a Team Balika volunteer and has been working with the organisation ever since. She participates in all the activities conducted by the organisation and has enrolled numerous students. She has also conducted Camp Vidya twice (a learning camp to help students who have dropped out of school reconnect with education).
Afsana says that her disability has never hindered her ability to work. She wants every girl, especially those with additional challenges, to be educated. In her own words, “Illiteracy never brings light in life. Today, If I had not been educated, I wouldn’t have been able to contribute financially to my household nor would I have received the chance to participate in this program.”
Afsana goes on to add “If Educate Girls can do so much for all of us, then why can’t I? I get energy by working for these girls. That is why I am still associated with the organisation. I participate in Vidyalaya meetings and School Committee Meetings organised for enrolment. Sometimes, if required, I also take help from my children to carry out this work”.
Educate Girls
Posted on August 14, 2024
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