Sisters Volunteer To Help Students Learn Better

Vimla heard about Educate Girls from the Field Coordinator and started supporting the organization in July 2015 as a Team Balika (community volunteer). She comes from a family of seven whose chief occupation was farming.
It gives Vimla, and her family as well, a lot of pride to do be able to do something for their village. Being Team Balika has been such an inspiring journey for them that even her younger sister, Manju, volunteered as Team Balika and walks two kilometers to the neighboring village every day to support there. Along with volunteering, Vimla is pursuing a Master of Arts degree. She also helps her family in their farming activities whenever she can.
When she reaches the school where she volunteers, she first marks the attendance of the students present and then uses the Gyan Ka Pitara* (GKP) kit to conduct lessons for students. She taught Class 3 students how to do subtraction, division as well as construct sentences and stories. There was once a Class 5 student who didn’t know English at all. Vimla used the GKP kit to help him learn the alphabets quickly.
Vimla says she has been working hard to increase the learning levels of students in her village, and the GKP kit has been very helpful in doing so. Apart from conducting GKP lessons in school, she even took extra lessons in her house along with a Field Coordinator during the winter break to help many students.
The result of these efforts were that both the schools where Vimla and her sister volunteered were one of the top 10 schools in terms of learning levels in the 166 schools (where we work) in Bhilwara. The Educate Girls team in Bhilwara felicitated them both for their contribution.
* Gyan ka Pitara kits are designed by Educate Girls. Its activity-based tools are aimed at improving learning outcomes across Hindi, English and Math.
Educate Girls
Posted on June 10, 2017
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