Megha’s Transformation through Life Skills

Megha* lives in a remote village in Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh, with her mother and elder brother. Her father, Vinod lives in a city far away, for work. Quiet and shy, Megha used to travel alone to a neighbouring village to attend school, enduring a difficult journey. Children from her village would mock her because of her quietness, teasing her along the way, but she kept her head down, determined to continue. Once home, she often cried but wouldn’t reveal the reason for her sadness, even when her mother and brother tried to comfort her.
One day, Educate Girls introduced Life Skills Education (LSE) games during Bal Sabha (Girls’ Council), in Megha’s school. The Life Skills program at Educate Girls aims to build confidence in young girls in rural communities. It provides a safe space and a support system for these girls to build critical skills that will empower them to make decisions to improve their lives further. The content uses the WHO life skills framework (Major 8 of WHO & 2 of Unicef) which includes five skills – Self-awareness, Resilience, Empathy, Interpersonal Skills, and Decision-making skills.
Megha was initially uninterested but eventually agreed, persuaded by her friends and teacher, to run for the position of Bal Adhyaksha (Student Leader). Although she didn’t win, Megha was selected as a member of the Bal Sabha which marked the beginning of a transformative journey for her.

As a member, Megha participated in every committee event. Although her reserved nature initially made it challenging to assert herself, Megha did not let this hold her back. She prepared thoroughly, researching each topic discussed in the Bal Sabha sessions. Through these experiences, Megha gradually gained confidence, learning to voice her opinions and engage actively. When the LSE sessions concluded, she felt bittersweet—proud of her growth but sad to see it end.
Today, Megha is no longer the quiet girl she once was. At home, she speaks up confidently, and among her friends in the village, she has become a vocal advocate for education, inspiring others to attend school. Megha credits Educate Girls for her transformation, saying that her time in the Bal Sabha has made her fearless and self-reliant. With newfound aspirations, she is determined to complete her education and build a future on her terms.
*Name changed to protect the minor’s identity.
Educate Girls
Posted on November 20, 2024
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