How An Educated Mother Can Ensure A More Sustainable Life For Her Family

16-year-old Sarita* had seen several struggles in life – because she was uneducated and came from a family where no one had a proper education, she was forced into an early marriage. Like her own mother before her, she was also pushed into having five children and had little understanding of health and hygiene. Having known a life like that, Sarita knew that she had to bring about changes in her life and that her daughters needed to have a better life. She pushed her daughters to school and then worked hard to send them to college as well – over time, she was able to see how her daughters had a much better life than she ever did, simply because they were educated!
While the importance of mother’s education in India has become a lot more prominent in urban centres, in the rural sections, there is still a gap – there are still those who are reluctant about giving their daughters a proper education. The overall mentality is that girls are eventually going to be married off, and their education does not matter much.
The adage goes, educate a boy, educate a person, educate a girl, educate a family and it still stands true and that is something we strongly believe in at Educate Girls.
Here are just some examples of how an educated woman can change not only her own life, but also of those around her:
- Let’s start with something that is basic and a common thread with women all over the world – menstruation. When a girl has a proper education, not only is she mentally and physically prepared to tackle the monthly cycles, but also has an awareness regarding the dos and don’ts. She will know the importance of using sanitary pads instead of cloth and will also be able to dispel the myths associated with these days – whether it’s about touching a pickle bottle or watering the tulsi plant!
- An educated girl will understand her body and mind so much better, because when someone tries to influence her into getting married at an early age or start bearing children within months of getting married, she will know better. Not only will she be able to decide when she wants to get married, but also who to get married to! More importantly, it will be her decision on when to become a mother – choosing a time when she is mentally and physically ready.
- The importance of educated mothers also comes into play when a woman actually becomes a mother – during her pregnancy, she will know how essential it would be to eat food that is high in nutrition and keep all her doctor appointments. She will know the importance of having her delivery in a proper hospital and would also be aware of how to take proper care of her newborn. From vaccinations to proper feeding methods, there is so much more that an educated mother would know.
- When a woman has gone to school and learnt about the nutrient value of food and how it can help nurture a healthier body and mind, it is obvious that it will trickle down to her real life too. This means that an educated mother will know how important it is for her and her family to have a balanced meal every day. The impact of mother’s education on child health will also be visible in the simpler facets of life – why a proper toilet needs to be used, why hands need to be washed several times a day, how cleanliness in the living spaces can help avoid basic diseases and so on!
- As an educated person, a mother will know the importance of learning and going to school – not only will she be able to assist her children efficiently during the formative years, but will also be able to ensure that her children attain a proper education to the highest level possible. So, while she will be able to start with the ABCs at home, when it is time to head to college, she will be able to provide at least some guidance on making the right academic and career choices.
- And in case you thought that only children benefit from educated mothers, you would be mistaken. An educated woman is an asset to the community and society as a whole. Whatever she learns, she will be able to share with the people around her and help bring a change in mindsets in their entirety. As an educated member of the community, she would be able to help remove common misconceptions about various topics including health and hygiene, education and so on.
An education can give you not only a sense of freedom, but also an opportunity to become financially independent; it gives you the chance to become an equal contributor in your society and it allows you to help others in a productive way. So, why would educating a woman be any different – that is the firm belief that we have at Educate Girls! We strongly believe that by educating girls, we will lay the foundation to stronger communities and a more informed society and if you believe in the same, come join our cause!
Educate Girls
Posted on December 15, 2022
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