Dimpy has become a shining example of the value of education to a community.

Dimpy was always different from other girls in her village. A resident of a remote village in Bhadohi District, Prayagraj, Dimpy, lives with a family of five. Dimpy’s father, Omprakash, works as a daily wage labourer to support the family, while her mother manages farming and household chores.
From a young age, she understood the importance of education and its ability to pull her family out of their circumstances. She has always been frustrated by the lack of awareness displayed by people in her village. “It is my dream to show the children of my village how amazing it feels to understand things. I know that so many of them can do great things if they just had the chance to be educated.”
When Dimpy was 15, the villagers advised her parents to keep her at home. They believed she did not need an education because she was a girl. It would not benefit her, they claimed. They even suggested teaching her household chores to prepare her for marriage.
Despite their interference, Dimpy continued to excel in her studies and participated in all her school activities. Dimpy’s parents differed from their peers; nothing deterred their resolve to encourage Dimpy. They ensured that she received an education, making her a confident young woman who now advocates for girls’ education in her village.
In the beginning, Dimpy encountered numerous challenges. Neighbours criticised her for moving about the village unaccompanied, claiming it was unsuitable for village girls. However, Dimpy remained undeterred. She not only ignored these criticisms but turned them to her advantage. She tutored children, travelling to every corner of the village to emphasise the importance of education and motivating the younger ones to attend school. The villagers gradually accepted her efforts.
Upon hearing Dimpy’s story, the field coordinator from Educate Girls invited her to join and work as a Team Balika Volunteer. Dimpy saw that the organisation’s goals aligned with her desire to encourage children to study, so she decided to join it.

As a Team Balika Volunteer, Dimpy assisted in enrolling children through door-to-door surveys, which she conducted with the field coordinator. She organised village-level community meetings and visits with teachers. Some of these children did not have any paperwork needed for school admissions. Dimpy took responsibility for obtaining Aadhar cards and other important documents related to the enrollment of out-of-school children.
To ensure children remained in school and received a quality education, Dimpy participated in Gyan Ka Pitara, a supplementary remedial learning curriculum created by Educate Girls to improve learning levels in English, Hindi, and Math for grades 3rd – 5th, which taught children important concepts using simple language and games. Furthermore, she conducted life skills education sessions for adolescent girls, focusing on leadership, self-determination and problem-solving.

Over time, her efforts began yielding success. Dimpy fulfilled her responsibilities and became a shining example of the value that education could bring to the community. Her courage and dedication earned her a permanent place in the villagers’ hearts.
Educate Girls
Posted on May 8, 2024
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