Celebrating National Girl Child Day 2018

National Girl Child Day is celebrated every year on January 24 in India to raise awareness about the inequalities faced by the girl child and to improve their position in society.
Girls face a lot of discrimination, exploitation and violence – be it physical, mental or emotional. There are many barriers to a girl’s education and progress – however the most potent barrier is the very genesis of the problem – the mindset.
From these wrong mindsets arise messages that, from the start, question a girl’s value and her potential. “Padh-likh ke kya kar legi”, “Ghar ka kaam kaun kerega”, are just some of the many limiting voices girls are exposed to.
This National Girl Child Day, we at Educate Girls tried to ‘change the conversation’ by asking people to #EducateGirls about their self-worth with the right words and messages and received thousands of inspiring messages for the girl child from people! Here are a few of the amazing things people had to say.
The campaign delivered more than 23.39 million impressions and over 5000 tweets were shared. This resulted in #EducateGirls trending on Twitter for more than 2 hours in India.
It was heartwarming to see so many voices coming together to share such motivating tweets and comments for girls across India. We shared these messages with young girls in Rajasthan, and they were thrilled to receive such over-whelming support. Your voice has helped boost their confidence! Here are a few smiling faces from the field.
Educate Girls
Posted on January 25, 2018
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