Send Girls Back to School | Support Girls Education
Send girls back to school
Benefits of girls education

At Educate Girls, we work with one aim - Getting girls back to school

Educate Girls tries to send girls back to school, by mobilizing girls who are out of them. Help send a girl back to school. Give her a chance to be in a classroom.

Educate Girls
Educate Girls
Sending Girls Back to School

Meet Ria

She had to overcome discouragement from her community, because schooling and girls education was not considered important. However, she came up with innovative ideas, which should actually inspire other parents to send girls back to school as well! Through Educate Girls, her efforts brought the results she hoped for and she was able to get academic support and training

getting back to school

Meet Rani

Coming from a family of daily wage workers, it was financial constraints that compelled Rani to drop out of school. However, with the support of Educate Girls, getting back to school has been like a dream come true for her. Today she is back in school and loving each day!

Send a girl to school charity

Meet Pooja

She lives in a remote village where access to education, resources and opportunities are extremely limited. Your support and donations are what allow her to get an education. When you send a girl to school the charity goes beyond just sending girls like Pooja back to school; it allows them to learn and grow to the fullest potential!

Support Girls education

Meet Radha

There were challenges posed by her disability as well as the lack of accessible education. But when there are people like you and organizations like Educate Girl, the support for girls education will exist. Radha has been able to receive special education training and is now working towards building a brighter future for herself, because someone like you helped send her back to school

Impact Since Inception


Girls Mobilised
for Enrolment


Students Supported with
Remedial Learning






Team Balika

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that every girl #StaysInSchool

Every share will be a step towards educating a girl

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Educate Girls is a project of Foundation To Educate Girls Globally (FEGG) | FEGG is registered in India under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013.

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