Launch Of Educate Girls’ Program In Sirohi district - Educate Girls

Launch Of Educate Girls’ Program In Sirohi district

April 30, 2013 Educate Girls
Launch Of Educate Girls’ Program In Sirohi district
School children playing outside with Team Balika members

School children playing outside with Team Balika members.

After operating for 5 years in the gender-gap districts of Pali and Jalore, Educate Girls has proven to be a sustainable solution when it comes to improving government schools. This is the reason why we are now launching our program in Sirohi, a district where the current literacy rate is merely 56.02% and where many girls are yet to be enrolled into school.

A Memorandum of Understanding was thus signed on 9th April 2013 with the Government of Rajasthan enabling us to officially scale to this new district. This is exciting news as we will now have the opportunity to assist an even larger number of rural girls.

Our expansion to Sirohi will help us reach out to 200,000 children, 90,000 of which will be girls. Our office in Sirohi was inaugurated on January 1st 2013 and we are looking forward to a sustainable and productive partnership with the local communities!

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Posted on April 30, 2013

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