Explore the importance of school infrastructure for girls.

The essential infrastructure requirements for a school

May 25, 2024 Educate Girls

Education forms the basis of a flourishing society, and to make sure everyone has access to quality education it is necessary to invest in school infrastructure. At Educate Girls, we always focus on providing the basic and necessary school infrastructure facilities to children, so that they can focus on acquiring knowledge and prosper in life. 

In this post, we will throw some light on the essential infrastructure requirements for schools, with a special focus on the needs of girls. From classrooms to sanitation to digital infra, every little part of school infrastructure plays an important role in providing a wholesome educational experience and supporting girls in reaching their full potential.

Before we move further, let us show you some facts and figures regarding education infrastructure in India – 

Status of school infrastructure in India –

By looking at these figures, we believe you would understand why we urge people to invest in education infrastructure.

The importance of school infrastructure

Picture this – There are very efficient teachers at school, and students are able to reach the school properly every single day. But there is no electricity in the classroom or proper lighting – will the students be able to learn? Or there are no separate washrooms for boys and girls at school – will the girls in the school be able to spend a whole day there? 

School infrastructure facilities do not just mean having a road to reach, or having a building to sit inside. There are many things involved, and each aspect plays a crucial role in deciding about the quality of education provided. Infrastructure of school can enhance the overall experience of children at school. 

Here are some key reasons why school infrastructure is important:

  • Safety and security: After their homes, schools should be the safest place for children. Proper infrastructure, such as sufficient lighting, secure entry and exit points, and CCTV surveillance, can make sure students and staff at a school are safe and secure. 
  • Comfort: Feeling comfortable is an important aspect. Amenities such as clean and properly maintained classrooms, restrooms, and drinking water are necessary for students to focus on their education.
  • Convenience: Schools should consider the needs of students with special needs, and provide infrastructure to make schooling convenient for them too. Features such as ramps and accessible restrooms must be made available.
  • Holistic development: School is not just for academic excellence. Infrastructure such as a sports ground, music and dance room and art studios, can encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities, which can help develop skills and talents needed to excel in other areas as well. 

Basic School Infrastructure for girls – the must-haves in every school!

Let’s talk about the necessary infrastructure that every school must have. 

1. Proper classrooms – 

Classrooms are truly the heart of any school – the most basic yet the most important infrastructure. Classroom infrastructure should be designed to facilitate learning while providing a comfortable and safe environment especially for girls. Some key features of a girl-friendly classroom include:

  • Sufficient light and ventilation to ensure a comfortable learning atmosphere.
  • Comfortable furniture, such as proper desks and chairs.
  • Proper storage space such as racks and cupboards for books, stationery, and other learning materials.
  • Sufficient access to digital media, such as computers and projectors, to support digital learning.

2. Functioning and separate washrooms – 

Having clean and functional restrooms is essential for the well-being of students, particularly girls. Restrooms are in fact the most important school Infrastructure for girls. Schools should have separate restrooms for boys and girls. Some key features of a girl-friendly restroom include:

  • Sufficient number of toilets and urinals to accommodate a of girls.
  • Clean and well-maintained restrooms with proper waste disposal facilities.
  • Running water, soap, and sanitary napkins should be available.

4. Adequate sports facilities – 

Physical education and sports are essential infrastructure of school, for the overall development of students. Schools should provide proper sports facilities and playground infrastructure to all students, including girls, such as:

  • Playgrounds and sports fields for various outdoor sports, such as football, basketball, cricket, etc.
  • Sports equipment, such as balls, nets, bats, etc. should be made available.
  • Safe and secure changing rooms and shower facilities for girls to change after sports.

5. Access to health and hygiene facilities

Maintaining good health and hygiene is essential for all students, particularly girls. Schools should provide the following health and hygiene facilities to the students:

  • Clean drinking water, with water dispensers in every classroom or corridor.
  • First aid facilities, with trained people to handle emergencies

Apart from the above, there are a few other school infrastructure facilities, such as infrastructure of laboratory, libraries and a functioning kitchen, etc. Investing in school infrastructure is like investing in the future of girls. By providing them safe, inclusive, and well-equipped education infrastructure, we can empower them to unleash their full potential, pursue their dreams, and become leaders of tomorrow. 

By investing in infrastructure development for girls, you are donating towards girls’ education, which means you are prioritizing the unique needs of girls and ensuring they have the resources and support they need to thrive academically, socially, and personally.

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Educate Girls

Posted on May 25, 2024

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